
Friday, May 1, 2015

May: National Bike Month

Do You Want to Ride Your Bicycle to Work or to School?
Urban Cycling Vienna, Austria, Wikimedia Commons, Gengiskanhg

For whatever reason, if you have ever thought about riding your bike to work or any where else then today is as good as any to start on it.

And regardless of where you need to go, May is definitely the best month to start riding your bike.

Now if you're really looking for a good enough reason, then there could be no better time than this time of the year (Spring and Summer).

Of course, aside from the obvious favorable weather, there could be considerably less traffic, particularly because most schools would be out for the summer and some people would be out of town.

But besides that, it is the perfect time to commune with nature and go green!

Biking at the Venice Beach Bike path, Wikemedia Commons, SameerKhan
Spring and Summer

There is something about springtime that speaks of recharging, rejuvenation, renewal and rebirth.

So whether you wish to:
  • finally start to learn how to ride a bicycle, 
  • or you want to look and feel cool and free on the road, 
  • or get back into an exhilarating aerobic routine, 
  • reduce your carbon footprint, 
  • save some money,
or better yet, all of the above, then you may want to start some serious cycling during the month of May and make it a habit!

And in case you didn't get the memo, the Month of May is National Bike Month.

History of National Bike Month

Since 1956, May has been recognized as National Bike Month.
Source: WintersBikes.Org

The third week of May is designated as Bike to Work Week.

And the third Friday of May is Bike to Work Day (dates may vary from city to city).


Bike to School Day is normally the first Wednesday of May. 

5 Practical Reasons To Start Riding Your Bike
  1. Because times are tough and hard on all of us,
  2. Gas and all other prices are steadily climbing,
  3. Everyone needs to get in and stay in shape (both physically and mentally),
  4. Because people always say that one never really forgets how to ride a bike, then you can test that theory, and
  5. You can jump start your spring cleaning as you can finally take out those dusty old bikes from the garage, out of storage or anywhere you have kept them out of sight.

I know, if you haven't ridden a bike in a long time, you'd have all the excuses not to start now or ever again.

But if you are merely feeling a little bashful about it, remember there is no other time that one gets a real excuse to not only ride their bike but even to actually come to work riding on one.

National Bike Activities

If you want to step it up another notch, you can even become a local advocate for riding bicycles in your own community. The League of American Bicyclists actually has a step-by-step guide on how to do it. Check it out here: Bike Month Programs

So if you are unsure if there are actual scheduled events taking place in your area, visit the league's website to find out.

If there are none, then check to see how you can organize one and conveniently add your event to their list online. Simply apply to be a member of the league right from their website and add your bike event.

In Other Related News:

May is also National Physical Fitness Sports Month

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month


National Photograph Month, among others.

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