Friday, July 23, 2021

Opinion: 2020 (2021) Tokyo Olympics

The Summer Olympic Games that was supposed to take place last year finally opened today (Friday, July 23rd 2021).

The tradition continues as the world once again comes together to find out and honor who is:

Citius. Altius. Fortius.

Faster. Higher. Stronger.

We have Japan to thank for not giving up, despite every drama, every obstacle and every criticism they have to face, conquer and push through.


Thanks to them the dreams of thousands of athletes, trainers, coaches and everyone competing in the Olympics are being fulfilled. And thanks to the Japanese people, the hopes of billions of other people all over the world who are supporting and rooting for their friends, family and fellow citizens are being realized.


This year, the Olympics is pushing for peace and solidarity, to help make the world a better place through sports as they once again light the fire of the Olympic cauldron (incidentally lighted by Naomi Osaka who embodies so many of us who are battling mental health issues).

1,824 drones forming the globe spinning and hanging above the Opening Ceremonies


There were no crowds in the stands as the athletes wearing face masks march for the opening of the games.

All of them looking proud and joyous.

But some athletes will be taking the opportunity and this stage as a flatform for their protests as we have already seen in the preliminary games, as well as way back during the Olympic trials.

We cannot prevent any of these, it is everyone's right to do so. Yet what is hard to swallow is while these individuals are indeed protesting something real and something really important in their home countries (particularly the USA), many of these athletes and millions of the people they represent are in far worse situations and cannot ever think of doing any of these protest actions without getting kicked out of their national teams or worse, their communities and their countries. Let us be sensitive that as some complain about having no shoes to wear, let us be a little mindful that we are with and among other people who have no feet or legs.

Closer shot of the drones


If we give most athletes in these games a chance to trade places with these American athletes, they will in a heart beat. We have already heard of that one athlete who went missing in Tokyo ahead of the games. He presumably left a note saying his life in his home country was too difficult and he wanted to stay and work in Japan. Not every country and not every city has the benefit of hosting these games, only the ones who can afford them. This is a good time to think about how fortunate we are, if we live in countries able to host these games. 


The Summer Olympics return to Tokyo for a second time and it has truly been an emotional return. The games would have easily been cancelled, but something like this, which has been taking place for thousands of years, which only happens once every four years, as we mentioned only to a select few cities and which takes an awful lot to put together is just too big an opportunity and a blessing not to push through.

Only Chance

For some, these would be their first and only chance to be an Olympian and to proudly represent their nation, for a few who have already been, these could be their last chance. For several countries this could be their chance to win a gold medal and for a few, this could be their chance to win their nation's first medal, ever.

For many this is their only respite away from their homelands still embroiled in war and pestilence.

So much is at stake. So many dreams waiting to be realized. A few athletes got infected with Covid-19 but fought back and are now representing their individual nations. So let us put aside our personal agenda and look at the big picture. Not everything revolves around us (or the US).

These games should be about the indomitable spirit, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Let us all go all out and strive to be the fastest, the highest, the strongest, the best, together.

Let the Games begin!

(In 2028, the Summer Games will return to SoCal)

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